I'm learning Python and django at the same time. I'm trying to create an xml document to return some XML from a view. I'm using the django development server at the moment and I keep getting this information spitting out in my views instead of the document I tried to create.
Here's my code
from django.http import HttpResponse
from mypoject.myapp.models import Username
from django.core import serializers
from xml.dom.minidom import Document
import datetime
def authenticate(request, username):
if request.method == "GET":
#Try to get the username
checkUser = Username.objects.get(username__exact = username)
user = userCheck.get(username__exact = username)
userXML = serializers.serialize("xml", checkUser)
except Username.DoesNotExist:
#return XML with status "Failed"
return HttpResponse(xml, mimetype="text/xml")
#return XML with status "Failed"
xmlFailed = Document()
meta = xmlFailed.createElement("meta")
status = xmlFailed.createElement("status")
statusText = xmlFailed.createTextNode("Failed")
message = xmlFailed.createElement("message")
totalRecords = xmlFailed.createElement("totalRecords")
executionTime = xmlFailed.createElement("executionTime")
return HttpResponse(xmlFailed, mimetype="text/xml")
#return happy XML code with status "Success"
And here's what's going to the screen when I view it in my browser...
<xml.dom.minidom.Document instance at 0x993192c>
If I comment out the Document() creation that goes away. So I'm think I just need it to not spit out the information. I've been searching all over and I can't find a strait answer which leads me to believe I'm missing something blatantly obvious.
Thanks for any help!
You'll need to call xmlFailed.toxml()
or the like in order to get XML out of your object -- looks like that's not what you're doing (in the code you didn't show us).