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Role/Privilege overview CRM

I' working on MS CRM 4.0.

Is there a possibility to show an overview of all roles and their privileges on each entity? I need it, for example, in excel to show it to a customer. It should be built something like this:

  • Rolename
    • Entityname
      • Create: Organisation
      • Read: Organisation
      • Write: Business Unit
      • ...

Is there a functionality for this? I'm using a lot of roles and custom entities, and it would take me a lot of work to do it manually.


  • I found this example on MSDN that should get you what you are requesting.

    Click on the downloads tab. The zip contains four reports to display privileges by security role and/or business unit. There are 2 reports by role and 2 reports by user.

    This is from the file named RolePrivileges.sql and should get you what you need:

    -- Query on entity roles, consolidating records
    select RoleName, BusinessUnitName, EntityName
    , max([Read]) as [Read], max([Write]) as [Write], max([Append]) as [Append], max([AppendTo]) as [AppendTo]
    , max([Create]) as [Create], max([Delete]) as [Delete], max([Share]) as [Share], max([Assign]) as [Assign] 
    -- Use sub query to split rights into columns, then outer query gets the Depth
    (select as RoleName, r.businessunitidname as BusinessUnitName, e.Name as EntityName
    , isnull(case when p.AccessRight & 1  0 then max(rp.PrivilegeDepthMask) end, 0) as [Read]         
    -- Use AccessRight to determine action
    , isnull(case when p.AccessRight & 2  0 then max(rp.PrivilegeDepthMask) end, 0) as [Write]
    , isnull(case when p.AccessRight & 4  0 then max(rp.PrivilegeDepthMask) end, 0) as [Append]
    , isnull(case when p.AccessRight & 16  0 then max(rp.PrivilegeDepthMask) end, 0) as [AppendTo]
    , isnull(case when p.AccessRight & 32  0 then max(rp.PrivilegeDepthMask) end, 0) as [Create]
    , isnull(case when p.AccessRight & 65536  0 then max(rp.PrivilegeDepthMask) end, 0) as [Delete]
    , isnull(case when p.AccessRight & 262144  0 then max(rp.PrivilegeDepthMask) end, 0) as [Share]
    , isnull(case when p.AccessRight & 524288  0 then max(rp.PrivilegeDepthMask) end, 0) as [Assign]
        dbo.FilteredRole r
        join dbo.RolePrivileges rp on r.roleid = rp.roleid
        join dbo.FilteredPrivilege p on rp.privilegeid = p.privilegeid
        join dbo.PrivilegeObjectTypeCodes potc on p.privilegeid = potc.privilegeid
        join MetadataSchema.Entity e on potc.ObjectTypeCode = e.ObjectTypeCode
    group by, r.businessunitidname, e.Name, p.AccessRight) as Role
    group by 
        RoleName, BusinessUnitName, EntityName