I would like to use a DataGrid within the RowDetailsTempalte of another Datagrid. This inner Datagrid should have its columns bound to a property of the current object in the outer Datagrid. For example, if the outer Datagrid is displaying all contacts by first name and last name, if I select a row I should be able to see another Datagrid containing all phone numbers associated with that contact. What I am most interested in is how the data of the inner Datagrid binds to the data of the outer Datagrid. Here is some XAML that I have so far to start with:
<data:DataGrid MinHeight="700" x:Name="contacts">
<data:DataGridTextColumn Header="First Name" Binding="{Binding FirstName}"></data:DataGridTextColumn>
<data:DataGridTextColumn Header="Last Name" Binding="{Binding LastName}"></data:DataGridTextColumn>
<StackPanel Background="Black">
<StackPanel Background="White" Margin="16">
<data:DataGrid DataContext="Contact.Phones">
The last answer on this thread helped me: How is access inner Datagrid in Silverlight?.
On the inner DataGrid I set ItemsSource="{Binding Phones}"
and removed the DataContext