In other words: it does not cache rest of the song while it's playing.
ready: function() {
$(this).jPlayer('setMedia', {
oga: 'http://mysite/getogg.php',
}).jPlayer('play', 15);
$(this).bind($.jPlayer.event.timeupdate, function(event) {
if(event.jPlayer.status.currentTime > 55) {
$(this).jPlayer('play', 15);
play: function() {
cssSelectorAncestor: '#jp_container_9999',
swfPath: '/js/jplayer',
supplied: 'oga',
preload: 'auto'
PHP (getogg.php):
header('Content-type: audio/ogg');
$output = readfile("/oggs/1234.ogg");
echo $output;
However direct links work just fine and song is caching: oga: 'http://mysite/oggs/1234.ogg'
Please help resolving this issue.
The issue was related to OGG format. Changing media to MP3 fixed an issue.