i've got a little Problem regarding the AIF-Service in Dynamics Ax when sending a production order to BizTalk:
I'v made a query (AxdProdTest) for the ProdTable including the ProdId, ItemId and ProdType as fields and the ProdJournalTable as sub datasource including ProdId, JournalId and JournalType as fields. (1:n, Outer Join)
For this query i have created an AIF-Servic using the wizard as described in the walktrough.
Now i've got a production order with one picklist and one routecard. When i send this using the AIF-Service i get the XML-Message having the desired information from the ProdTable but only one entry from the ProdJournalTable (picklist) although there are two of them.
What do i have to change when i have a 1:n connection in the query and need the same in my outgoing XML? There must be a way because it works with the standard services as SalesOrder or Invoices
Thx for your Help...
How are the table joins defined in your query? I've seen the behavior you described when using the default of InnerJoin, but I get the expected 1:n behavior when using OuterJoin.