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erroneous net-snmp error handling

Is it possible to catch errors (for instance due to timeout) with net-snmp in python?

I am using this code:

import netsnmp
import pprint

session = netsnmp.Session(Version = 2, DestHost='', 
          Community='public', Timeout=10000, Retries=1, UseNumeric=1)
oid_obj = netsnmp.VarList(netsnmp.Varbind('.'))
value_obj = session.walk(oid_obj)

# print the result and the error codes:
print("Error status: ", session.ErrorStr, session.ErrorNum, session.ErrorInd)

Due to short timeout I get incomplete results - which is fine (note that timeout is in microseconds). What is not fine is that I get no error indication:

('1001', '1002', '1003')
('Error status: ', '', 0, 0)

Am I looking in the wrong place?

This is what I am using: (installed as Debian package)

Package: libsnmp-python                  
Version: 5.4.3~dfsg-2

I would appreciate some help, or even advice on which SNMP library to take (if Net-SNMP doesn't handle errors properly).


  • Prior to 5.4.4 there was a bug in Net-SNMP python bindings (didn't return error codes) - upgrade solved the issue. Hope it helps someone.