i'm having problems with accessing my database from my server. i'm newbie in FT, so i'll describe all my actions.
1)At first i created table and made it public here it is: https://www.google.com/fusiontables/DataSource?snapid=S443329UwZ1
2)Then i downloaded a class to work with FT: http://code.google.com/p/fusion-tables-client-php/source/browse/
3)After that i knew an id of a table to use: 3406706
4)Tried to run modifyed file client_login_example.php:
//get token
$token = ClientLogin::getAuthToken('[email protected]', '253270514qQ');
$ftclient = new FTClientLogin($token);
//show all tables
echo "<h1>hello</h1>";
echo $ftclient->query(SQLBuilder::showTables());
echo "<br />";
//describe a table
echo $ftclient->query(SQLBuilder::describeTable(3406706));
echo "<br />";
//select * from table
echo $ftclient->query(SQLBuilder::select(3406706));
echo "<br />";
But nothing is being displayed. What's the problem?
I don't know why but the official class for FT didn't work. But another class that I found over there:
zend google fusion table update
worked well.