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Thumbnail Generation not working on server - PHP Gallery

This works perfectly fine on localhost but doesn't work on my server, could anyone tell me why? I've got php-gd (php-gd-5.1.6-32.el5.x86_64) on my Centos 5 box.

I have absolutely no idea why it wouldn't be working on the server so, if anyone has any ideas...

Here's the code;


if (isset($_GET['img'])){
    // make thumbnail
        ini_set('memory_limit', '512M');

        $src_size = getimagesize($_GET['img']);

        if($src_size === false){
            die('Thats not an image!');

        $thumb_width    = 250;
        $thumb_height   = 200;

        if($src_size['mime'] === 'image/jpeg'){
            $src = imagecreatefromjpeg($_GET['img']);
        }else if($src_size['mime'] === 'image/png'){
            $src = imagecreatefrompng($_GET['img']);
        }else if($src_size['mime'] === 'image/gif'){
            $src = imagecreatefromgif($_GET['img']);

        $src_aspect = round(($src_size[0] / $src_size[1]), 1);
        $thumb_aspect = round(($thumb_width / $thumb_height), 1);

        if($src_aspect < $thumb_aspect){
            $new_size = array($thumb_width,($thumb_width / $src_size[0]) * $src_size[1]);
            $src_pos = array(0,(($new_size[1] - $thumb_height) * ($src_size[1] / $new_size[1])) / 2);
        }else if ($src_aspect > $thumb_aspect){
            $new_size = array(($thumb_width / $src_size[1]) * $src_size[0],$thumb_height);
            $src_pos = array(($new_size[0] - $thumb_width) / 2, 0);
            // same shape
            $new_size = array($thumb_width, $thumb_height);
            $src_pos = array(0, 0);

        if($new_size[0] < 1) $new_size[0] = 1;
        if($new_size[1] < 1) $new_size[0] = 1;

        $thumb = imagecreatetruecolor($thumb_width, $thumb_height);
        imagecopyresampled($thumb, $src, 0, 0, $src_pos[0], $src_pos[1], $new_size[0], $new_size[1], $src_size[0], $src_size[1]);

        if($src_size['mime'] === 'image/jpeg'){
            imagejpeg($thumb, "thumbs/{$_GET['img']}");
        }else if($src_size['mime'] === 'image/png'){
            imagepng($thumb, "thumbs/{$_GET['img']}");
        }else if($src_size['mime'] === 'image/gif'){
            imagegif($thumb, "thumbs/{$_GET['img']}");

        header("Location: thumbs/{$_GET['img']}");

if (is_dir('./thumbs') === false){
    mkdir('./thumbs', 0744);

$images = glob('*.{jpg,jpeg,png,gif}', GLOB_BRACE);


            foreach($images as $image){
                    echo "<a href=\"{$image}\" target=\"_blank\"><img style='border: 4px solid black;' src=\"thumbs/{$image}\" alt=\"{$image}\" /></a>";
                    echo "<a href=\"{$image}\" target=\"_blank\"><img style='border: 4px solid black;' src=\"?img={$image}\" alt=\"{$image}\" /></a>";



  • Are you sure gd libraries are installed also on the server?