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How to use correct ruby in vim ? How to modify $PATH in VIM?

I use plain Vim with ruby support on Lion (installed by gist). I am using ruby with rbenv so my path looks like /users/me/.rbenv/shims:.....

From within vim the path is

:!echo $PATH
> usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/X11/bin:/Users/fb/.rbenv/shims:....

Even I can create and modify an environment variable:

:let $PATH = "/bar:/foo"
:!echo $PATH
> /usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/X11/bin:/foo:/bar

paths remains starting with /usr/bin.

So how can I access my ruby 1.9.3 in ~/.rbenv/shims instead the system ruby in /usr/bin ?


  • I did'n t set the shell option in .vimrc, so that it was automatically set to /bin/zsh.

    Then I found out that I hab a dublicate initialisation of rbenv: in my .zshrc. I removed the initialisation end $PATH extensioin in .zshrc because that was already handled by the oh-my-zsh rbenv plugin.

    Even after that cleanup, the $PATH mangeling still happening so :!echo $PATH


    Setting :set shell=/bin/bash was what helped me, as i can live with bash in my vim: :!echo $PATH
