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Unable to run oracle report contains attached library

Oracle Application server 10g
Oracle report is using a library. When I'm attaching library it asked me if I want to remove path.
It works with option "NO" - not removing library, but it does not work if I select "YES". and I got the Unable to run report error.

although I already set the library path in the following places:-

  • REGEDIT FORMS_PATH to C:\DevSuiteHome_1\forms;
  • REGEDIT REPORTS_PATH to C:\DevSuiteHome_1\forms;
  • default.env file FORMS_PATH to C:\DevSuiteHome_1\forms;


  • Some things to confirm:

    • Ensure the library is present in the same directory as the reports - without the path info, the library is picked from the same location as the reports
    • Ensure the environment variables are set correctly so that the Reports engine is looking at the right directory to pick up the libraries