I am having trouble creating an entity using inout ports. I tried writing the following code where A is an input and B is an output and it works fine. But as soon as I change A to an inout port, it implements but it won't simulate. Can anyone tell me what the problem is?
library IEEE;
entity Problem2 is
Port ( A : inout integer;
B : out integer
end Problem2;
architecture Behavioral of Problem2 is
procedure change (signal A: inout integer; signal B: out integer) is
B<=A after 20 ns;
end change;
change(A=>A, B=>B);
end Behavioral;
The procedure "change" is a driver on A, but doesn't explicitly drive anything, so A will be driven to 'U'. Try this change which should do what you seem to expect:
procedure change (signal A: inout integer; signal B: out integer) is
A <= 'Z';
B <= A after 20 ns;
end change;