Somehow the linebreaks are not working as they should. This is what I get:
O meu u2 2 post
1 Gosto, 0 Nao gosto
O meu u2 post
1 Gosto, 0 Nao gosto
'O meu u2 2 post\n\n1 Gosto, 0 Nao Gosto\n\nO meu u2\n\n1 Gosto, 0 Nao Gosto'
This is the code used in the function. The important parts should be the str and showRecentComments functions
class Comments():
def __init__(self, u=None, text='', link=None):
self.u = u
self.text = text = link
self.topo = None
self.fim = None
def __str__(self):
actual = self.topo
s = ''
if actual == None:
return None
while actual != None:
if actual.seg == None:
s += str(actual)
actual = actual.seg
s += str(actual) + '\n' + '\n'
actual = actual.seg
return s
def add(self,comment):
if self.topo == None:
self.topo = comment
self.fim = comment
comment.seg = self.topo
self.topo.ant = comment
self.topo = comment
def remove(self,comment):
actual = self.topo
if (self.topo == self.fim) and (self.topo == comment):
self.topo = None
self.fim = None
while actual!=None:
if actual == comment:
if self.topo==comment:
actual.seg.ant = None
self.topo = actual.seg
elif self.fim==comment:
actual.ant.seg = None
self.fim = actual.ant
actual.seg.ant = actual.ant
actual.ant.seg = actual.seg
actual = actual.seg
def countLike(self):
count = 0
actual = self.topo
while actual != None:
if len(actual.likeList) >= 1:
count += 1
actual = actual.seg
actual = actual.seg
return count
def showRecentComments(self,n):
count = 1
actual = self.topo
sC = ''
if actual == None:
return None
while actual != None:
if count < n:
sC += str(actual) + '\n' + '\n'
count += 1
actual = actual.seg
elif count == n:
sC += str(actual)
count += 1
actual = actual.seg
elif count > n:
return sC
Regards, Nelson Gregório
It looks like you're looking at the representation of the string, which will show you the newline characters as \n
. If you print
or write to e.g. stdout (sys.stdout.write(s)
) the string instead, the newlines will be expanded.