$data = $mysqli->prepare("SELECT amount FROM items WHERE id=:id");
echo 'forward1';
if(!$data->execute(array(':id' => $id)))
die("error executing".$data->error);
echo '2';
$row = $data->fetch_object();
die('Losing my mind'.$row->amount);
This will only echo "forward1", not "error executing..." or "2". It works with *$mysqli->query". If I add quotes '' to :id in the query, it will echo "forward1error executing".
First, make sure you understand the prepared statements syntax and working model.
As in:
$data = $mysqli->prepare("SELECT amount FROM items WHERE id=(?)");
// THIS ^^ actually "prepares" an object to be used in the statement
// ...then you "bind" the parameter for your statement as "i"(nteger)
echo 'forward1';
if(!$data->execute()) // And now you simply run it, with no other args
die("error executing".$data->error);
echo '2';
$row = $data->fetch_object();
die('Loosing my mind'.$row->amount);
I suggest though using something more like
$data->execute() or die("error executing".$data->error);
The main steps of a prepared statement are: 1. Prepare the query with some placeholder values; 2. "Bind" the required number of values to the query; 3. Execute it!
I fail to see why this is relevant in your case, with such a simple query. I also assume you actually need it for something bigger. Please let me know if I misunderstood your point or code sample.
Oh, and.. have fun! :-)