I'm currently using Look&Feel for my application. I have a few problems:
1. When I start my program, the first thing that pops up is a JDialog for login. This is normal, but the problem is that it's the default Look&Feel. Now, after you get pass the login, the main program launches with the Look&Feel I chose. One thing to note is that the JDialog is constructed like this:
public class FooLogin extends JDialog{
// variables...
public FooLogin(JFrame parent){
// code...
2. My JOptionPanes are all default as well.
So how do I explicitly apply Look&Feel to a JDialog in this form? And how can I match the JOptionPanes to the Look&Feel of the main program?
You forgot to mentioned for which from Look and Feels
, but by default you have to read Changing the Look and Feel After Startup, then you have to call code line before visible of a new Container
be sure that you have to create a new Container wrapped into invokeLater
, more in Initial Threads