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Project Euler 23: insight on this stackoverflow-ing program needed

Hi fellows. I'm currently working on the 23rd problem of Project Euler. Where I'm at atm is that my code seems right to me - not in the "good algorithm" meaning, but in the "should work" meaning - but produces a Stack memory overflow.

I do know that my algorithm isn't perfect (in particular I could certainly avoid computing such a big intermediate result at each recursion step in my worker function).

Though, being in the process of learning Haskell, I'd like to understand why this code fails so miserably, in order to avoid this kind of mistakes next time.

Any insight on why this program is wrong will be appreciated.

import qualified Data.List as Set ((\\))

main = print $ sum $ worker abundants [1..28123]

-- Limited list of abundant numbers
abundants :: [Int]
abundants = filter (\x -> (sum (divisors x)) - x > x) [1..28123]

-- Given a positive number, returns its divisors unordered.
divisors :: Int -> [Int]
divisors x  | x > 0     =   [1..squareRoot x] >>=
                            (\y ->  if      mod x y == 0
                                    then    let d = div x y in
                                            if y == d
                                            then [y]
                                            else [y, d]
                                    else    [])
            | otherwise = []

worker :: [Int] -> [Int] -> [Int]
worker (a:[]) prev = prev Set.\\ [a + a]
worker (a:as) prev = worker as (prev Set.\\ (map ((+) a) (a:as)))

(^!) :: Num a => a -> Int -> a
(^!) x n = x^n

squareRoot :: Int -> Int
squareRoot 0 = 0
squareRoot 1 = 1
squareRoot n =
   let twopows = iterate (^!2) 2
       (lowerRoot, lowerN) =
          last $ takeWhile ((n>=) . snd) $ zip (1:twopows) twopows
       newtonStep x = div (x + div n x) 2
       iters = iterate newtonStep (squareRoot (div n lowerN) * lowerRoot)
       isRoot r  =  r^!2 <= n && n < (r+1)^!2
   in  head $ dropWhile (not . isRoot) iters

Edit: the exact error is Stack space overflow: current size 8388608 bytes.. Increasing the stack memory limit through +RTS -K... doesn't solve the problem.

Edit2: about the sqrt thing, I just copy pasted it from the link in comments. To avoid having to cast Integer to Doubles and face the rounding problems etc...


  • In the future, it's polite to attempt a bit of minimalization on your own. For example, with a bit of playing, I was able to discover that the following program also stack-overflows (with an 8M stack):

    main = print (worker [1..1000] [1..1000])

    ...which really nails down just what function is screwing you over. Let's take a look at worker:

    worker (a:[]) prev = prev Set.\\ [a + a]
    worker (a:as) prev = worker as (prev Set.\\ (map ((+) a) (a:as)))

    Even on my first read, this function was red-flagged in my mind, because it's tail-recursive. Tail recursion in Haskell is generally not such a great idea as it is in other languages; guarded recursion (where you produce at least one constructor before recursing, or recurse some small number of times before producing a constructor) is generally better for lazy evaluation. And in fact, here, what's happening is that each recursive call to worker is building a deeper- and deeper-ly nested thunk in the prev argument. When the time comes to finally return prev, we have to go very deeply into a long chain of Set.\\ calls to work out just what it was we finally have.

    This problem is obfuscated slightly by the fact that the obvious strictness annotation doesn't help. Let's massage worker until it works. The first observation is that the first clause is completely subsumed by the second one. This is stylistic; it shouldn't affect the behavior (except on empty lists).

    worker []     prev = prev
    worker (a:as) prev = worker as (prev Set.\\ map (a+) (a:as))

    Now, the obvious strictness annotation:

    worker []     prev = prev
    worker (a:as) prev = prev `seq` worker as (prev Set.\\ map (a+) (a:as))

    I was surprised to discover that this still stack overflows! The sneaky thing is that seq on lists only evaluates far enough to learn whether the list matches either [] or _:_. The following does not stack overflow:

    import Control.DeepSeq
    worker []     prev = prev
    worker (a:as) prev = prev `deepseq` worker as (prev Set.\\ map (a+) (a:as))

    I didn't plug this final version back into the original code, but it at least works with the minimized main above. By the way, you might like the following implementation idea, which also stack overflows:

    import Control.Monad
    worker as bs = bs Set.\\ liftM2 (+) as as

    but which can be fixed by using Data.Set instead of Data.List, and no strictness annotations:

    import Control.Monad
    import Data.Set as Set
    worker as bs = toList (fromList bs Set.\\ fromList (liftM2 (+) as as))