I have three tables. Think of them as the following:
id | name
1 | Cookies
2 | Soup
id | name
1 | flour
2 | butter
3 | chicken
recipe_id | ingredient_id
1 | 1
1 | 2
2 | 3
Hopefully you get the idea. What I'd like is a query where I can find all recipes that have ingredients that are a subset of a given set of ingredients.
The idea being that I'd like to have a list of all the things I can make with what I have on hand (but of course not EVERYTHING I have on hand.)
I tried implementing this with various levels of subqueries and correlated subqueries with EXISTS but had no luck. I also tried to use HAVING and COUNT, but that only seems to work for me if I want something that uses ALL the ingredients I have on hand.
Test this if it works. Assuming that you have your (unique) ingredient ids available in a table called ingredients_avail, this query should show the recipe id that has complete ingredients:
SELECT recipe_id
FROM [select recipe_id, count(*) as num_of_ingredients from recipe_ingredient group by recipe_id]. AS x, [select recipe_ingredient.recipe_id as recipe_id, count(*) as num_of_ingredients
from recipe_ingredient, ingredients_avail
recipe_ingredient.ingredient_id = ingredients_avail.ingredient_id
group by recipe_ingredient.recipe_id]. AS y
WHERE x.recipe_id = y.recipe_id and
x.num_of_ingredients = y.num_of_ingredients;
Additionally, here it is in a more typical syntax:
SELECT x.recipe_id
SELECT recipe_id, count(*) as num_of_ingredients
FROM recipe_ingredients
GROUP BY recipe_id
) x, (
SELECT recipe_id, count(*) as num_of_ingredients
FROM recipe_ingredients
JOIN ingredients_avail
ON recipe_ingredients.ingredient_id = ingredients_avail.ingredient_id
GROUP BY recipe_id
) y
WHERE x.recipe_id = y.recipe_id AND x.num_of_ingredients = y.num_of_ingredients;