I have a grid that is reconfigure (referesh data) every 10 seconds (with AJAX). So the renderer function calls every 10 second and we have Value of current cell.
How can I compare value of current data with old data? Or simply, how can I get the old data in renderer function?
If we can not access old data, is there another solution to handle this?
Thank you in Advance
Once the store is loaded there's no way to get the old data. One thing you can do is listen to the beforeload event on the store & cache the old data:
var oldData;
myStore.on('beforeload', function() {
oldData = myStore.getRange(); // Grabs an array of all current records
From here, the renderer will pass in the row index as one of the arguments, so you can just do a comparison:
renderer: function(v, meta, rec, rowIndex) {
var oldRec = oldData[rowIndex];
// do your comparison
You'll also need to handle the case of the first load where there will be no oldData.