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Static classes C# constructor OOP

I am new to OOP and I think I don't understand static classes.

I want to create a static class Actions and one static method for changing textblock apperance..

Here is my code:

public static class Tools
    public enum StatusOption

public class Actions
    private SortedDictionary<Tools.StatusOption,SolidColorBrush> StatusColors = new SortedDictionary<Tools.StatusOption,SolidColorBrush>();

    public Actions()
        StatusColors.Add(Tools.StatusOption.Online, new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Green));
        StatusColors.Add(Tools.StatusOption.Offline, new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Red));
        StatusColors.Add(Tools.StatusOption.Warning, new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Orange));

    public void SetStatus(Tools.StatusOption _statusOption, TextBlock _txtBlock)
        _txtBlock.Text = _statusOption.ToString();
        _txtBlock.Foreground = StatusColors[_statusOption];

It works, but I have to create several instances of my class, which is IMHO useless.

private void Close_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
     Actions a1 = new Actions();
     a1.SetStatus(Tools.StatusOption.Offline, StatusTextBlock);

private void Open_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
     Actions a2 = new Actions();
     a2.SetStatus(Tools.StatusOption.Online, StatusTextBlock);

I would prefer it just like this:

private void Open_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
     Actions.SetStatus(Tools.StatusOption.Online, StatusTextBlock);

I know, I have to define a static class and static constructor:

public static class Actions
  private SortedDictionary<Tools.StatusOption,SolidColorBrush> StatusColors = new SortedDictionary<Tools.StatusOption,SolidColorBrush>();

  static Actions()
    StatusColors.Add(Tools.StatusOption.Online, new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Green));
    // ....

The problem is, I can not access to private member StatusColors in static constructor, and I can not create instance of StatusColors.

Any Ideas how to solve it?



  • You can use this code:

    public enum StatusOption 
    public class Actions 
        private static SortedDictionary<Tools.StatusOption,SolidColorBrush> StatusColors = new SortedDictionary<Tools.StatusOption,SolidColorBrush>(); 
        static Actions() 
            StatusColors.Add(Tools.StatusOption.Online, new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Green)); 
            StatusColors.Add(Tools.StatusOption.Offline, new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Red)); 
            StatusColors.Add(Tools.StatusOption.Warning, new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Orange)); 
        public static void SetStatus(Tools.StatusOption _statusOption, TextBlock _txtBlock) 
            _txtBlock.Text = _statusOption.ToString(); 
            _txtBlock.Foreground = StatusColors[_statusOption]; 

    I made the dictionary static as well and also I put the enum outside the class. You shouldn't use classes for nesting like this, use a namespace if you need to.