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How do I get a list of all COM automation servers?

I'm trying to call various APIs that are exposed as COM from Silverlight, which is possible only when they are part of a registered automation server and have a respective progid. Word, for example, would be "Word.Application". How do I get a list of all registered servers with their respective progids?

I found the component services snap-in, but I can't find the progids I know about in there. Edit: The snap-in looks like it should be there, I found a properties window that shows applications ids for some COM+ and DCOM applications, but I can't find obvious servers such as Word. The COM+ tree contains only half a dozen entries.


  • The list of automation servers appears to be in the registry under HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT. From Silverlight, the name of the key is the progid, the CLDID is the value of subkey called CLSID.

    I found this after Hans Passant made a comment to my question mentioning the registry.