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How to work with wchar_t strings?

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In C++, Why can't I write to a string literal while I can write to a string object?

I'm having my first experience with wchar_t strings and I'm having a lot of trouble. Each time I try to access a character in an wchar_t* the program crashes with segmentation fault. How should I do if I want to replace one character in the string with another? But when deleting a character from the end of the string?

wchar_t * my_string[] = L"Hello";
my_string[0] = L'Y'; // Should be "Yello". Instead, gives segmentation fault

[edit] Doesn't matter, I've just made a fool out of myself. I'll check elsewhere on the internet. It's my fault, I shouldn't be bothering you with such silly questions...


  • You didn't supply much information, but, since you talk about segmentation fault, the most common errors derived from the fact that memory management functions usually works on bytes while wchar_t has a size greater than 1.

    When doing pointer arithmetic over char, the sizeof(char) is almost never taken in count, since it is 1 by definition. But wchar_t is wider, hence where bytes length are required, a multiplication of sizeof(wchar_t) must be placed.

    [EDIT] Sorry but the sample has nothing to do with wchar_t itself:

    wchat_t* my_string[] is an arry of wchar_t-pointers, the first of which is made to point to "Hello", and the other are left uninitialized. Just remove the *.