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Tapku TKCalendarMonthTableViewController tableview under TabBar

I have a TabController-based storyboard application with 4 different navigationController, one each tab. The second tab open a navigationController(this still with storyboard relationship) which programmatically push a Tapku Library's TKCalendarViewController in this way:

- (void)loadView
    [super loadView];
    AgendaTableViewController *agenda = [[[AgendaTableViewController alloc] initWithSunday:NO] autorelease];
    [self pushViewController:agenda animated:NO];

AgendaTableViewController is a TKCalendarMonthTableViewController subclass.

The problem is the table view under the calendar goes under the tab bar and last cell is not visible as expected. I think something's wrong with views or owner

How to solve it?

Thank you!


  • I solved it adding:

    self.view.frame = CGRectMake(0, 0, [[UIApplication sharedApplication]keyWindow].frame.size.width, 368);

    in loadView method in AgendaTableViewController(TKCalendarMonthTableViewController subclass). Still looking for better width and height value in case device orientation changes.