I need to create and populate a ListView with 3 strings that come from another function. I also want to be able to select multiple pieces of the data to change their values during runtime (is that possible with ListView?).
I've looked all over online for info on this, but I can't seem to find any. If someone would could give me some insight on the best way to do this, I would really appreciate it.
I've seen somethings on GridView as well. Would that be better for this application?
I must admit that i've no clue what you're actually asking. But yes, you can bind 3 Strings to a ListView
coming from "another function" :)
You can handle ItemDataBound
to change values in the ListItems:
<asp:ListView runat="server" ID="ListView1" >
A String
<asp:PlaceHolder runat="server" ID="itemPlaceholder" />
<asp:Label ID="LblString" Text="<%# Container.DataItem %>" runat="server"></asp:Label>
The page's codebehind:
Public Class ListView
Inherits System.Web.UI.Page
Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
If Not IsPostBack Then
Me.ListView1.DataSource = OtherFuntion()
End If
End Sub
Private Function OtherFuntion() As IEnumerable(Of String)
Return {"String 1", "String 2", "String 3"}
End Function
Private Sub ListView1_ItemDataBound(sender As Object, e As System.Web.UI.WebControls.ListViewItemEventArgs) Handles ListView1.ItemDataBound
If e.Item.ItemType = ListViewItemType.DataItem Then
Dim lblString = DirectCast(e.Item.FindControl("LblString"), Label)
lblString.Text = New String(lblString.Text.Reverse.ToArray)
End If
End Sub
End Class
This simply reverses all strings.