I'm new to LINQ. I need to compute new_id as follows:
public class C_Movement
public int id=-1;
public static ObservableCollection<C_Movement> list=new ObservableCollection<C_Movement>();
// ...
int new_id = (C_Movement.list.Count==0) ? 0 : C_Movement.list.Max(x => x.id)+1;
Is there a LINQ way to compact that expression, so that I don't have to use the ? :
structure? The problem is that, when C_Movement.list
contains no elements, C_Movement.list.Max(x => x.id)
returns null (and I would like it to return -1, instead).
Thank you.
DefaultIfEmpty method should help:
int new_id = C_Movement.list.Select(x => x.id).DefaultIfEmpty(-1).Max()+1;