Search code examples

T-SQL Problem

I have following table (SQL Server) Table name is LandParcels

Blockid   ParcelNo  Stateorprivate
11001901   30       Deemana
11001901   35       Deemana
11001901   41       State
11001901   45       State
11001901   110      Private
11001901   111      Private

11001902   1        Deemana
11001902   11       State
11001902   16       Private

11002001   15       Deemana
11002001   16       State
11003001   20       Private
11002003   2        Deemana
11002003   3        State
11003003   4        Private

Blockid (Numeric) = first 6 digits used for Cadastral Map No and last 2 digits for the Block No

eg: 110019 is Cadastal map no and 01 is Block No.

I used the following query

select substring(ltrim(str(blockid)),1,6) as blockid,stateorprivate, count(*) as noofLP from LandParcels group by blockid, stateorprivate order by blockid asc

Result is

Blockid  Stateorprivate  noofLP
110019   Deemana         2
110019   State           2
110019   Private         2
110019   Deemana         1
110019   State           1
110019   Private         1
110020   Deemana         1
110020   State           1
110020   Private         1
110020   Deemana         1
110020   State           1
110020   Private         1

I want to get the following result for a report

blockid  noofBlocks   Deemana   State  Private  Amt_of_Deemana_State_Private
110019    2            3          3       3          9  
110020    2            2          2       2          6

How to query this. Pl help me.


  • You could do something like this:

        SUBSTRING(LTRIM(STR(Blockid)), 1, 6) AS blockid,
        COUNT(DISTINCT SUBSTRING(LTRIM(STR(Blockid)), 7, 2)) AS noofBlocks,
        SUM(CASE Stateorprivate WHEN 'Deemana' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS Deemana,
        SUM(CASE Stateorprivate WHEN 'State' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS [State],
        SUM(CASE Stateorprivate WHEN 'Private' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS [Private],
        SUM(CASE Stateorprivate
            WHEN 'Deemana' THEN 1
            WHEN 'State' THEN 1
            WHEN 'Private' THEN 1
            ELSE 0
        END) AS Amt_of_Deemana_State_Private
    FROM LandParcels

    However, if the database schema is under your control, you should consider normalization.