I've set up a git repository that I access over a remote connection. Using the command line, I can clone the repository, do pushes and pulls, etc. by ssh without problems. I'd like to use gitblit to access the repository over a https connection though. Gitblit's web interface shows the repository properly, with all commits, code changes, etc., both from localhost and when using https, but I can't clone from it. Egit simply fails and my terminal gives me the following error:
lee@linux-p4b1:~/Downloads/test> git clone https://my-domain.com:8443/git/git_repository
Cloning into git_repository...
error: Unknown SSL protocol error in connection to my-domain.com:8443 while accessing https://my-domain.com:8443/git/git_repository/info/refs
fatal: HTTP request failed
Does anybody have a tip as to what could be causing the problem?
Could be related to that openssl bug: