I need to call a USSD number that contains * and # in iphone (iOS) it tried a "tel:*100#" but this way dose not work with USSD characters
I found some solution via CoreTelephony framework by using CTCallDialWithID method,
But is it legal or illegal ??
is it private or public API ??
can it casing apple rejection for my app??
If CoreTelephony is illegal to use or private,
How can i call USSD number?
is there any solution ?
This is not possible (legally), opening URLs including USSD characters (encoded, not encoded etc) will be accepted ([[UIApplication sharedApplication]openUrl:]
return true), but the phone will never try to dial the number. I guess they're doing some validation on the tel-URLs.
I guess there's just too many security issues with allowing this. The story is the same on Android too.