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Get number of tabstops or white space and concatenate in Applescript (smart newline script to insert bullet)

My end objective is to create an applescript that intelligently inserts a bullet point for me automatically when i hit Alt + Enter. I'm trying to do this in BBEdit and here's the Apple script i snagged from the BBEdit forums:

tell application "BBEdit"
        tell text of front text window
            set lineOfInsertionPoint to line (startLine of selection)
            set findReco to find "^\\s*\\d+\\." searching in lineOfInsertionPoint options {search mode:grep}
            if found of findReco = true then
                set leadingNumber to text 1 thru -2 of (found text of findReco)
                set text of selection to return & (leadingNumber + 1) & ". "
                select insertion point after selection
            else if found of findReco = false then
                set findReco to find "^\\s*\\* " searching in lineOfInsertionPoint options {search mode:grep}
                if found of findReco = true then
                    set text of selection to return & "* "
                    select insertion point after selection
                    set findReco to find "^\\s*\\+" searching in lineOfInsertionPoint options {search mode:grep}
                    if found of findReco = true then

                        set text of selection to return & tab & "+ "
                        select insertion point after selection
                    end if
                end if
            end if
        end tell
    on error errMsg number errNum
        set sep to "=============================="
        set e to sep & return & "Error: " & errMsg & return & sep & return ¬
            & "Error Number: " & errNum & return & sep
        display dialog e
    end try
end tell

The script works well, but the issue is that when you already have a certain number of tab stops or white space at the beginning, the applescript inserts the next bullet right at the start of the line ignoring the whitespaces/tab stop.

So my actual question is quite simply "How does one get hold of the number of leading tab stops or whitespaces through Applescript" and concatenate it here?



  • Kendall Conrad has updated a similar and more functional script at .