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Can javaCV be used with GAE(Google App Engine)?

Can i use javaCV with GAE??

Now, i try to import javaCV jar to GAE,GWT project in Eclipse

But it wasn't work...

First, I makes GAE project in Eclipse that was installed GAE plug-in

and add javaCV jar file to /war/WEB-INF/lib

and config jar Build path

so it wasn't confirm error in source

But when i run WebApplication(local)

some errors occur..

like this

[ERROR] [jebal] - Line 72: No source code is available for type com.googlecode.javacv.cpp.opencv_core.IplImage; did you forget to inherit a required module?

[ERROR] [jebal] - Line 73: No source code is available for type com.googlecode.javacv.CanvasFrame; did you forget to inherit a required module?

[ERROR] [jebal] - Line 119: No source code is available for type com.googlecode.javacv.cpp.opencv_highgui; did you forget to inherit a required module?

Now, I guess that GAE can't use with javaCV library or it's wrong method to add jar.

How add external library to GAE proeject? Can i use javaCV with GAE??


  • JavaCV is a java wrapper around a set of native libraries: opencv, ffmpeg, etc..

    There is no way it can be run on GAE.