I'm trying to work on this website wherein I need to filter the data which are to be inserted into the database. For instance, I need to insert 'Hello World' to the database. However, it already exists. Therefore, I need to pop-up a confirmation box saying "The string Hello World already exists in the database. Are you sure you want to continue?"
My problem is that I don't know in which place in my code should I include my confirmation message. Please see below for referrence:
private bool CheckData(string myString)
//Check database if myString already exists.
private void btnSave_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e)
//If the above is true, then the confirmation box should appear.
//Do something to save myString to the database.
I'm programatically adding an OnClientClick Event handler to my button using the code below:
btnSave.OnClientClick = "confirmation('The string " + myString + " already exists in the database. Are you sure you want to continue?')";
My problem is basically what is the best way to handle this kind of scenario? Since I can't place this code on the btnSave_Click event (it will add the OnClientClick handler but it will only fire the next time the button was clicked).
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