I have a TABLE "elements" with one COLUMN "number", type SMALLINT that contains numbers 1 thru 56. How can I generate unique sets of 5 numbers of every possible combination from 1 to 56, using an SQL statement?
In APL (programming language) a simple dyadic function 5!56 does the trick!
EDIT: In good ole MS-DOS QBASIC, I accomplished it like this:
12 LET SER = 0
15 LET E = 56
30 FOR B5 = 5 TO E
40 FOR B4 = 4 TO E
50 FOR B3 = 3 TO E
60 FOR B2 = 2 TO E
70 FOR B1 = 1 TO E
88 IF B5 = B1 THEN 190
89 IF B5 = B2 THEN 190
90 IF B5 = B3 THEN 190
91 IF B5 = B4 THEN 190
92 IF B4 = B1 THEN 180
93 IF B4 = B2 THEN 180
94 IF B4 = B3 THEN 180
95 IF B3 = B1 THEN 170
96 IF B3 = B2 THEN 170
97 IF B2 = B1 THEN 160
98 LET SER = SER + 1
100 PRINT #1, SER; "|";
130 PRINT #1, B1; "|";
131 PRINT #1, B2; "|";
132 PRINT #1, B3; "|";
133 PRINT #1, B4; "|";
134 PRINT #1, B5; "|";
140 PRINT #1, B1 + B2 + B3 + B4 + B5; "|"
150 NEXT B1
160 NEXT B2
170 NEXT B3
180 NEXT B4
190 NEXT B5
210 END
This, by the way, created my load file into an INFORMIX-SQL table
TABLE combos
seq_id SERIAL,
ball_1 SMALLINT,
ball_2 SMALLINT,
ball_3 SMALLINT,
ball_4 SMALLINT,
ball_5 SMALLINT,
I used combos.sum to generate a bell curve graph, showing the count of combinations having the same sum of each element.
If you want to include pairs of identical numbers, e.g. (5,5):
SELECT e1.number AS number1
,e2.number AS number2
FROM elements e1
,elements e2
WHERE e1.number <= e2.number;
If you want to only have different numbers in each pair:
SELECT e1.number AS number1
,e2.number AS number2
FROM elements e1
,elements e2
WHERE e1.number < e2.number;