My projects uses ARC and I want to use GDATA api which is not ARC Compatible. I know how to disable ARC for single file(by adding the -fno-objc-arc compiler flag for those files). But in GDataObject.h file there is a structure defenition as
typedef struct GDataDescriptionRecord {
NSString *label;
NSString *keyPath;
enum GDataDescRecTypes reportType;
} GDataDescriptionRecord;
It causes an error like
ARC forbids object in struct or union
How can I avoid this problem. Is there any ARC compatible GDATA api available or any way to disable arc for .h files
I would use something like this:
#if __has_feature(objc_arc)
#define ARC_MEMBER __unsafe_unretained
#define ARC_MEMBER
Then, your structure would look something like this:
typedef struct GDataDescriptionRecord {
ARC_MEMBER NSString *label;
ARC_MEMBER NSString *keyPath;
enum GDataDescRecTypes reportType;
} GDataDescriptionRecord;