Search code examples

Calling a script from a certain URL in Java?

I'm using Java to parse HTML from a random website, let's say it's for convenience. After parsing the HTML data, I want to extract some of that data, and show it on a display. After that the user will get to input a search term, and press a button. This button will execute that script behind the "search" button. I want to do this with several sites, so giving me a way that only works with google won't help me a lot.


  • Edit:

    Ah, I see. You are asking about how to call a remote web-page from your code? There are a couple of ways you can do this:

    Scraping of websites is a difficult problem and rarely have I found that a single scraper can handle multiple websites. The idea of a generic scraper is just not possible.

    I would recommend writing a Java interface which is something like HandleSearchPage. It would contain a method to scrap the page and extract some of the data and another method to submit a search.

    Then you can implement your scrapers for Google, Yahoo, etc.. As to how to parse html and drive a webpage there are many other questions/answers on that specific topic.

    Best of luck.