Or at least, they don't do what I was expecting. My Action method looks like this:
Function Test() As ActionResult
Dim model As Object = New ExpandoObject()
model.FieldA = 123
model.FieldB = "This is a string"
model.FieldC = DateTime.Now
Return View(model)
End Function
and the view looks like this:
@ModelType Object
I was expecting it to produce the same thing you'd get if the model were a real object with those fields, but instead I get this:
[FieldA, 123][FieldB, This is a string][FieldC, 3/29/2012 12:10:24 PM]
EditorForModel does the exact same thing. Is this the correct behavior, and what's the best way to implement the behavior that I'm looking for?
Yes, this is the correct behavior. Default metadata provider (DataAnnotationsModelMetadataProvider) uses reflection to get model information and that is the reason you get this result.
I would suggest to create a custom metadata provider that will work correctly with dynamics. Try to inherit from this class - http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.web.mvc.dataannotationsmodelmetadataprovider.aspx.