I am having a bit of trouble with the following include:
#include <ntddscsi.h>
When I compile (using NetBean 7.1 & Cygwin C++ compiler), I am told that I need to define "SCSI_PASS_THROUGH" before I can use it... in ntddscsi.h however, it is defined:
typedef struct _SCSI_PASS_THROUGH {
SHORT Length;
CHAR ScsiStatus;
CHAR PathId;
CHAR TargetId;
CHAR CdbLength;
CHAR SenseInfoLength;
CHAR DataIn;
LONG DataTransferLength;
LONG TimeOutValue;
LONG_PTR DataBufferOffset;
LONG SenseInfoOffset;
CHAR Cdb[16];
Anyone have any idea what on earth is going wrong??
This might happen if you have circular dependencies, or for example LONG_PTR is not defined anywhere.