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IKImageBrowserView inside NSScrollView in InterfaceBuilder issue?

If I set Custom Class of NSScrollView to IKImageBrowserView in Interface Builder I can't see IKImageBrowserView properties in Attributes Inspector pane (and also bindings in bindings pane), instead there are NSView properties. But in ImageKitDemo example there is NSScrollView with IKImageBrowserView inside and in Attributes Inspector correct properties are shown. How did they do that? Are there any magic words?

Xcode 4.3.1


  • The correct (and easy) way to do this is:

    1. Drag an IKImageBrowserView into your window
    2. Select the IKImageBrowserView
    3. Go to [menu] Editor > Embed in > Scrollview

    Update: Apple now suggests to switch to NSCollectionView and (as @ julia_v points out) the class is not available in the objects library any more.