I have written an API Bundle and some implementing services.
Now i want to use them as plugins, so first of all i need a list of all the services i have.
I'm starting the api like this:
Framework m_fwk = new org.apache.felix.framework.FrameworkFactory().newFramework(null);
AutoProcessor.process(null, m_fwk.getBundleContext());
Bundle api = m_fwk.getBundleContext().installBundle(
So now the API is loaded. Now i need to know which bundles implements this API, how can i get this information from the framework?
You only seem to load an API bundle, I guess you want to install other bundles for the implementations? Most people then load a director or so:
for ( File b : bundles.listFiles() ) {
ctx.installBundle( b.toURI().toURL() );
Each of these bundle should look like (using DS):
public class Impl implements API {
public whatever() { ... }
The bundle collecting the services could look like:
public class Collector {
void addAPI( API api ) { ... }
void removeAPI( API api ) { ... }
This is done with the bnd annotations for DS (see bndtools for examples). However, you can also implement/collect the services in Blueprint, iPojo, and many other helpers.