I'm using Parsley in my flex mobile project. I have multiple destination services but I can't find more resources on how to add another destination service to config.xml file. The file is as below:
<object type="mx.rpc.remoting.RemoteObject" id="genBUS">
<property name="destination" value="genBUS"/>
<property name="endpoint" value="http://localhost:8080/ClinASM/messagebroker/amf" />
In the case when I create another
<object type="mx.rpc.remoting.RemoteObject" id="anotherBUS"></objects>
and do
public var genBUS:RemoteObject;
it complains that I have defined multiple remote objects. How does it work? How can I inject another destination service? That would be great to gain more knowledge about Parsley...
UPDATE: config.mxml:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Object id="genBUS" type="mx.rpc.remoting.RemoteObject">
<Property name="destination" value="genBUS" />
<Property name="endpoint" value="http://localhost:8080/ClinASM/messagebroker/amf" />
<Object id="karBUS" type="mx.rpc.remoting.RemoteObject">
<Property name="destination" value="karBUS" />
<Property name="endpoint" value="http://localhost:8080/ClinASM/messagebroker/amf" />
Injecting by ID is not considerer to be good practice because you create a name-based dependency. Change the name, or make a typo, and your application breaks and it's hard to debug that.
So as a general rule you should try to avoid it. The Parsley docs explain how to do this. I'll just add a simple example to show you how you'd use that technique with your multiple RemoteObjects.
<fx:Object xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"
import path.to.service.GenBusDelegate;
import path.to.service.KarBusDelegate;
<fx:String id="gateway">http://localhost:8080/ClinASM/messagebroker/amf</fx:String>
<s:RemoteObject id="genBus" destination="genBus" endpoint="{gateway}" />
<s:RemoteObject id="karBus" destination="karBus" endpoint="{gateway}" />
<p:Object type="{GenBusDelegate}">
<p:ObjectRef idRef="genBus" />
<p:Object type="{KarBusDelegate}">
<p:ObjectRef idRef="karBus" />
or if you don't want to use constructor arguments:
<p:Object type="{GenBusDelegate}">
<Property name="remoteObject" idRef="genBus"/>