htmlparser.Parser, I have the snippet of html(see below) and i need to get the content of the there a bunch of these container divs with unqiue id's in my file. I can get the divs and their inner html just fine. I can not figure out how to get the whats between the H3 tags
this snippet of code works for divs but not the h3: if finds the h3 with the correct ID, i just can not figure out how to get the innerHTML or whats between the tags.
thanks for any help
parser = new Parser();
lstNodes = parser.extractAllNodesThatMatch( new AndFilter(new TagNameFilter("h3"),
new HasAttributeFilter("id", "h3_"+num)));
This finds it but does not return the data between the h3's
<div class="container" id="container_2">
<h3 id="h3_2">Adding a few</h3>
<div class="maindiv" id="div_2"> articles in here jus tto flesh it out.
</div><!--end of div_2-->
i ended up creating my own TAG
class H3Tag extends CompositeTag