I find myself doing this pattern a lot in perl
sub fun {
my $line = $_[0];
my ( $this, $that, $the_other_thing ) = split /\t/, $line;
return { 'this' => $this, 'that' => $that, 'the_other_thing' => $the_other_thing};
Obviously I can simplify this pattern by returning the output of a function which transforms a given array of variables into a map, where the keys are the same names as the variables eg
sub fun {
my $line = $_[0];
my ( $this, $that, $the_other_thing ) = split /\t/, $line;
return &to_hash( $this, $that, $the_other_thing );
It helps as the quantity of elements get larger. How do I do this? It looks like I could combine PadWalker & closures, but I would like a way to do this using only the core language.
EDIT: thb provided a clever solution to this problem, but I've not checked it because it bypasses a lot of the hard parts(tm). How would you do it if you wanted to rely on the core language's destructuring semantics and drive your reflection off the actual variables?
EDIT2: Here's the solution I hinted at using PadWalker & closures:
use PadWalker qw( var_name );
# Given two arrays, we build a hash by treating the first set as keys and
# the second as values
sub to_hash {
my $keys = $_[0];
my $vals = $_[1];
my %hash;
@hash{@$keys} = @$vals;
return \%hash;
# Given a list of variables, and a callback function, retrieves the
# symbols for the variables in the list. It calls the function with
# the generated syms, followed by the original variables, and returns
# that output.
# Input is: Function, var1, var2, var3, etc....
sub with_syms {
my $fun = shift @_;
my @syms = map substr( var_name(1, \$_), 1 ), @_;
$fun->(\@syms, \@_);
sub fun {
my $line = $_[0];
my ( $this, $that, $other) = split /\t/, $line;
return &with_syms(\&to_hash, $this, $that, $other);
You could use PadWalker to try to get the name of the variables, but that's really not something you should do. It's fragile and/or limiting.
Instead, you could use a hash slice:
sub fun {
my ($line) = @_;
my %hash;
@hash{qw( this that the_other_thing )} = split /\t/, $line;
return \%hash;
You can hide the slice in a function to_hash
if that's what you desire.
sub to_hash {
my $var_names = shift;
return { map { $_ => shift } @$var_names };
sub fun_long {
my ($line) = @_;
my @fields = split /\t/, $line;
return to_hash [qw( this that the_other_thing )] @fields;
sub fun_short {
my ($line) = @_;
return to_hash [qw( this that the_other_thing )], split /\t/, $line;
But if you insist, here's the PadWalker version:
use Carp qw( croak );
use PadWalker qw( var_name );
sub to_hash {
my %hash;
for (0..$#_) {
my $var_name = var_name(1, \$_[$_])
or croak("Can't determine name of \$_[$_]");
$hash{ substr($var_name, 1) } = $_[$_];
return \%hash;
sub fun {
my ($line) = @_;
my ($this, $that, $the_other_thing) = split /\t/, $line;
return to_hash($this, $that, $the_other_thing);