I want to be able to save any C# object in a single column of a SQL database table. I am not clear how to convert the object into a varbinary or get it back from a varbinary. My SystemContextObjects table has an OptionValue column that is Varbinary(max).
var dc1 = new DataContextDataContext();
var optionUpdate = dc1.SystemContextObjects.SingleOrDefault(o => o.OptionId == OptionId && o.OptionKey == OptionKey);
if (optionUpdate != null)
optionUpdate.OptionValue = Value; <===== NEED HELP HERE...
optionUpdate.DateCreated = DateTime.Now;
optionUpdate.PageName = PageName;
var ChangeSet = dc1.GetChangeSet();
if (ChangeSet.Updates.Count > 0)
I wound up using JSON to accomplish this. I serialize/deserialize the class to/from a string and store that. Works fine.