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Get corresponding value from json key in python

currently I have the following which parses a json api..

import simplejson
import urllib2

f = urllib2.urlopen('')  
data = simplejson.load(f)

imagetypes = ['clearlogo', 'clearart', 'tvthumb', 'seasonthumb', 'characterart']

image_list = []
# split "name" and "data"
for title, value in data.iteritems():
# run through specified types
for art in imagetypes:
# if type has been found
    if value.has_key(art):
    # Run through all the items
        for item in value[art]:
            info = {}
            info['url'] = urllib2.quote(item['url'], ':/') # Original image url
            if info:

print image_list

This returns the following..

[{'url': ''},
{'url': ''},
{'url': ''},
{'url': ''},
{'url': u''}, {'url':

How do I go about getting just the actual url into a list of urls? If you could explain the steps in your answer so I can learn from it I'd appreciate it. Thanks


  • How about this.

        # your old code avoce
        for item in value[art]:
            url = urllib2.quote(item['url'], ':/') # Original image url
            if url: