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How turn off "replace url" in Pjax

I use Pjax with tutorial from I don't need change url and this coffee script code doesn't work:


$("a#flag-comments").click ->



container: '[data-pjax-container-flag]',

replace: false,

url: '/flag_comments'


Any idea?


  • Edit: Please see clime's answer below - It appears my answer is no longer correct.

    Since the point of PJAX (pushState AJAX) is updating the url, I don't think there is a way to disable it. If updating the url isn't what your after you may just want to be using standard AJAX? (essentially use JQuery to perform an ajax get of a given path, then shove the contents in to a container of your choice)

    The "replace" option in the JQuery PJAX script simply toggles between using "replaceState" & "pushState" to update a pages url.

    Sorry i couldn't be of more help.