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Multi sparse matrices handling with SQL

I got a model like this:

matrices (
    matricesID integer;
    x integer;
    y integer;
    value float;

So there will store many matrices data in that table, now I need to get average value for each matrix edge by edge, i.e. if one matrix is 20 * 30 and had value in (5,3), (5,7), (5,15), (12,4), (17,5), (17,10), I need to get four groups of data, one for all values that x=5, one for all values that x=17, one for all values that y=4 and one for all values that y=15, cause they are the max/min for x and y.

Is there any way to perform this with easy SQL?

Any idea will be appreciated.


Edward I


  • This is a guess as I don't have much experience in the problem domain:

    select matricesID
        , (select avg(value) from matrices where matricesID = a.matricesID and x = a.minx) as avgofminx
        , (select avg(value) from matrices where matricesID = a.matricesID and x = a.maxx) as avgofmaxx
        , (select avg(value) from matrices where matricesID = a.matricesID and y = a.miny) as avgofminy
        , (select avg(value) from matrices where matricesID = a.matricesID and y = a.maxy) as avgofmaxy
    from (
        select matricesID
            , min(x) as minx
            , max(x) as maxx
            , min(y) as miny
            , max(y) as maxy
        from matrices
        group by matricesID
    ) as a

    This is running in SQL Server, but the syntax is simple enough that it hopefully runs in whatever DBMS you are using