I have the following HTML:
<div class="row clearfix">
<div class="col1">Data</div>
<div class="col2">Data</div>
<div class="col3">Data</div>
<div class="col4">Data</div>
<div class="col5">Data</div>
<div class="col6">Data</div>
<div class="col7">Data</div>
<div class="col8">Data</div>
</div><!--// row-->
<div class="row clearfix otherClass">
<div class="col1">Data</div>
<div class="col2">Data</div>
<div class="col3">Data</div>
<div class="col4">Data</div>
<div class="col5">Data</div>
<div class="col6">Data</div>
<div class="col7">Data</div>
<div class="col8">Data</div>
</div><!--// row-->
<div class="row clearfix thirdClass">
<div class="col1">Data</div>
<div class="col2">Data</div>
<div class="col3">Data</div>
<div class="col4">Data</div>
<div class="col5">Data</div>
<div class="col6">Data</div>
<div class="col7">Data</div>
<div class="col8">Data</div>
</div><!--// row-->
I want to get all of these divs out of the HTML, they all start with "row clearfix" as class, but can have more data to it. After that I want to be able to handle each col separetely, so get the value of col1, col2, col3 ect.
I have written this code, but am stuck now. Can someone help me out?
$oDom = new DOMDocument();
$oDomXpath = new DOMXpath($oDom);
$oDomObject = $oDomXpath->query('//div[@class="row clearfix"]');
foreach ($oDomObject as $oObject) {
UPDATE *Solution*
Thanks to the replies below, I got it working with the following code:
$oDom = new DOMDocument();
$oDomXpath = new DOMXpath($oDom);
$oDomObject = $oDomXpath->query('//div[contains(@class,"row") and contains(@class,"clearfix")]');
foreach ($oDomObject as $oObject) {
foreach($oObject->childNodes as $col)
if ($col->hasAttributes())
var_dump($col->getAttribute('class') . " == " . trim($col->nodeValue));
To match the outer divs I think that what you need is
//div[starts-with(@class,"row clearfix")]
//div[contains(@class,"row clearfix")]
//div[contains(@class,"row") and contains(@class,"clearfix")]
I'd go for the last one because the class names could be in any order.
I am not 100% sure what you want to do with the inner div
, but you could get them with something like this: