Hey I am currently using the following code
Dim flickr As New Flickr("apikey")
Dim test As New Photos
test = flickr.PhotosGetRecent(5, 5)
For Each [Photo] As FlickrNet.Photo In test.PhotoCollection
But this only returns the Most Recent photos uploaded to flick in General, I only want my own ones. Is this possible ?
Yes. You have you use PhotosSearch instead, and sort by DateUploaded.
Dim flickr As New Flickr("apikey")
Dim options As New PhotoSearchOptions()
options.UserId = "myuserid@n01"
o.SortOrder = PhotoSearchSortOrder.DatePostedDescending
o.PerPage = 5
o.Page = 1
Dim test As Photos = flickr.PhotosSearch(options)
... etc