I'm implementing a video website with Dailymotion Cloud and plupload (HTML5 runtime).
The workflow is :
Retrieve upload URL via dmcloud API
POST file to this URL
Retrieve the JSON data in response in order to display the video
I'm issuing the following on the upload : xmlhttprequest cannot load origin http://localhost:3000 is not allowed by access-control-allow-origin
My issue is that the upload fails with some upload URLs, in a non-deterministic way. When an upload URL works, it works as many times as I want, and when an upload URL doesn't, it never works.
The Dmcloud server sends the Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
Each request is done in two times : first an OPTION
request is sent to ensure that the URL is accepting origin. And then a POST
request is done.
requests ever successed, with good headers, the issue is coming at the end of the POST
Do you think that it is a Dmcloud server issue ? A chrome HTML5 issue ? A plupload issue ?
Some network screenshots :
Success: OPTIONS request
Success: POST request
Fail: OPTIONS request
Fail: POST request
So this was a server-side issue : Access-Control-Allow-Origin
header was not sent on upload-02.dmcloud.net
The awesome guys of the Dmcloud support team solved this very quickly.
Thanks to @monsur, who helps me identifying the issue.