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Is the linked list only of limited use?

I was having a nice look at my STL options today. Then I thought of something.

It seems a linked list (a std::list) is only of limited use. Namely, it only really seems useful if

  • The sequential order of elements in my container matters, and

  • I need to erase or insert elements in the middle.

That is, if I just want a lot of data and don't care about its order, I'm better off using an std::set (a balanced tree) if I want O(log n) lookup or a std::unordered_map (a hash map) if I want O(1) expected lookup or a std::vector (a contiguous array) for better locality of reference, or a std::deque (a double-ended queue) if I need to insert in the front AND back.

OTOH, if the order does matter, I am better off using a std::vector for better locality of reference and less overhead or a std::deque if a lot of resizing needs to occur.

So, am I missing something? Or is a linked list just not that great? With the exception of middle insertion/erasure, why on earth would someone want to use one?


  • Any sort of insertion/deletion is O(1). Even std::vector isn't O(1) for appends, it approaches O(1) because most of the time it is, but sometimes you are going to have to grow that array.

    It's also very good at handling bulk insertion, deletion. If you have 1 million records and want to append 1 million records from another list (concat) it's O(1). Every other structure (assuming stadard/naive implementations) are at least O(n) (where n is the number of elements added).