here is the wsdl soap field
<element name="transactionCle" nillable="true" type="xsd:int"/>
when I call the WS in PHP and I show the soap with __getLastResponse()
I get that for the transactionCle :
<transactionCle href="#id50"/>
here is the ref of the field :
<multiRef xmlns:soapenc="" id="id50" soapenc:root="0" soapenv:encodingStyle="" xsi:type="soapenc:int">12708584</multiRef>
I added a new WebReference to a wsdl provided by an Apache Server working with php.
The proxy class generated give me for the field :
private System.Nullable<int> transactionCleField;
/// <remarks/>
public System.Nullable<int> transactionCle {
get {
return this.transactionCleField;
set {
this.transactionCleField = value;
Now my Problem :
When I consume the WS in php the value of transactionCle is 12708584
when I consume the WS in C# the value of transactionCle is null
If I modify manualy the proxy class from System.Nullable to int And now C# give me the Good Value (12708584).
but when I update the Webreference I have to modify again the proxy classes.
Here is my question :
How can I :
or set transactionCle to int type without modify the proxy class?
or make the serialisation give me the Good Value?
edit : I'm not able to modify the WS php or the wsdl
Add the following attributes to the transactionCle-element in the wsdl
minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1"
Then regenerate the proxy. If it helps, then you can do three things: