I have couple of issues- the first constraint on select is loaded when reference table value selected.
ISSUE 1 - The last two select box name -Constraint on should have cloned option from first constraint on.but should not have the selected option in previous select box. How to do it?
ISSUE 2 - My select box is loaded on javascript call but i have to add a alert for this,why? Code for population two select -
function LoadSelects()
$("#columns2 option").each(function() {
$("#columns3 option").each(function() {
alert("i m called"); ///it does not load the selects if i remove this****why?
$("#columns option").clone().appendTo("#columns2");
$("#columns option").clone().appendTo("#columns3");
Controller code for population first select-
def getColumns = {
def columns = GGWSchemaXref.executeQuery("select distinct p.columnname from GGWSchemaXref p where p.tablename=:table and p.dbname = 'IVR_GUARDIAN'",[table:params.tableCombo])
render(template:"selectTemplate", model: [ columnList: columns ])
GSP page code here-
<tr> <td>Reference Table:</td>
<td><g:select name="tableCombo"
noSelection="${['':message(code:'Select Table')]}"
from="${result}" value="${tableName }" onchange="${remoteFunction(action:'getColumns', update:'columns', params:'\'tableCombo=\' + this.value', OnComplete = 'LoadSelects();')}"/> </td></tr>
<tr id ="cons"><td nowrap>Constraint On:</td>
<td nowrap><g:select name="columns" from="[]" /></td>
<td nowrap>Constraint Value:</td>
<td nowrap><g:textField name="columnValue" value="${enterVal }" />
<tr id ="cons2"><td nowrap>Constraint On:</td>
<td nowrap><g:select name="columns2" from="[]" /></td>
<td nowrap>Constraint Value:</td>
<td nowrap><g:textField name="columnValue2" value="${enterVal2 }" />
<tr id ="cons3"><td nowrap>Constraint On:</td>
<td nowrap><g:select name="columns3" from="[]" /></td>
<td nowrap>Constraint Value:</td>
<td nowrap><g:textField name="columnValue3" value="${enterVal3 }" />
ISSUE 3- I need to keep the selected and entered values after search (post back).
Please help how to do it?
The first "A" in AJAX is for "asynchronous". You need to execute LoadSelects()
in the success callback of your ajax
You can simplify the function to:
function LoadSelects(){
$("#columns2, #columns3").html( $("#columns").html()).val('') ;
This will copy the options from #columns
to both of the other selects and unselect both which I believe is what you are asking.
Using $('select').val('')
as in code above will remove selected
property from options
Edit If the each
you are using for your selects is due to have more than one with same ID you have a problem since ID's must be unique. If this is the case, code will need to be refactored to a traverse within a row
EDIT #2 AJAX Success
type: 'POST',
data: 'tableCombo=' + this.value,
url: '/GryphonMonitor/load/getColumns',
success: function(data, textStatus) {
/* this is callback when all data has been received*/
error: function(XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) {}