Search code examples

Dealing with NSDictionary content parsed from Flickr

I'm having an issue properly accessing an NSDictionary built from Flickr data (the flickr.photosets.getPhotos call). Instead of just showing the content of a description tag, it reads the description tag… along with some unnecessary data and quotes.

For example:

NSLog (@"Item description readout: %@", itemDescriptionPre);

yields this response:

Item description readout: {
    "_content" = "This is a caption from a photo drawn through Flickr";

I've tried to modify the NSString with this

NSString *descripTruncated = [itemDescriptionPre substringFromIndex:17];

But it didn't causes a crash at runtime. It also doesn't address the items at the end of the item. I apologize since NSString modifications seem to be talked about a lot here, but I couldn't find circumstances that mirror mine.

Here is some more context to my code:

- (void)connection:(NSURLConnection *)connection didReceiveData:(NSData *)data 
NSString *jsonString = [[NSString alloc] initWithData:data encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];

NSLog(@"Storing incoming data");

NSDictionary *results = [jsonString JSONValue];

NSLog(@"Building NSDictionary.");

NSArray *photos = [[results objectForKey:@"photoset"] objectForKey:@"photo"];

NSLog(@"Building array from dictionary.");

// Loop through each entry in the dictionary...
for (NSDictionary *photo in photos)
NSString *title = [photo objectForKey:@"title"];

    NSString *description = [photo objectForKey:@"description"];

[photoTitles addObject:title];

    [photoDescriptions addObject:description];


NSLog(@"Nicer display for results: %@ First image title: %@ First image description: %@", results, [photoTitles objectAtIndex:0], [photoDescriptions objectAtIndex:0]);

[self updateDisplay];


-(void) updateDisplay{

NSString *capTitle = [[photoTitles objectAtIndex:0] uppercaseString];

photoTitleDisplay.text = capTitle;

NSString *itemDescriptionPre = [photoDescriptions objectAtIndex:0];

NSLog (@"Item description readout: %@", itemDescriptionPre);



  • itemDescriptionPre is actually an NSDictionary. This should work:

    NSDictionary *itemDescriptionPre = [photoDescriptions objectAtIndex:0]; 
    NSString *itemDescription = [itemDescriptionPre objectForKey:@"_content"];